How do movement and music supercharge brain power?
Research shows that early music-making makes children smarter, stronger, and more successful in all areas of life. Kindermusik takes music education to the next level by boosting whole-child development during the years most critical to brain growth.
Music education builds listening skills, promotes memory and recall, and strengthens executive function.
Body Movement
Moving to music builds core strength, develops eye-hand coordination, and stimulates the vestibular system.
Social Development
Enriching social interaction with educational alignment.
Fine Motor Skills
Playing instruments and mimicking finger plays strengthen the hand muscles needed for critical tasks like writing.
Vocal play activities boost phonemic awareness, while singing familiar songs enhances vocabulary.
Instrument play, movement, and pretend play help children become better problem solvers and innovative thinkers.
Group music making enhances the ability to follow directions, comprehend stories, and confidently answer questions.
Group music classes develop vocal skills, music appreciation, and a foundation for formal music instruction.